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Balancing routine with spontaneity: An important juggling act!

Writer's picture: Chris Weinkauff DuransoChris Weinkauff Duranso

In a previous post, I talked about the importance of maintaining a routine. Today I will revisit that topic to add complexity and clarity from the research in this area.

During this prolonged disruption to our typical routines, it is important that we maintain some sort of schedule, albeit a very different one that we may have had prior to the pandemic. For many people, commuting to work and school, juggling personal and household schedules and responsibilities and maintaining sanity required a routine that was predictable and manageable. However, the pandemic has forced all of us to move from what may have been a very busy schedule to a slow, possibly sedentary lifestyle at home. Working from home, schooling from home, staying safe. I don't know about you, but I feel as if I went from running a sprint marathon to an instant, screeching halt.

Having some sort of routine is helpful, especially when there is so much chaos in the world right now. Finding ways to take control of our lives by enforcing a routine or schedule can alleviate some of the stress of feeling so out of control with the world's events. It keeps us going, it keeps many from experiencing depressive symptoms, and reduces the risk of ongoing procrastination (I can do that tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes!).

So, yes, research tells us that routines are important for our productivity (work and school require that), and for our well-being. But, and here comes the 'but'. In psychology, there is almost always a 'but'. Being too wed to our routines can be maladaptive. The risks of being inflexible to changes in our routine can range from missing out on spontaneous opportunities for fun (or work...) to inviting more stress into our lives.

Research tells us that, while routines and schedules are beneficial, being flexible is equally important. Have a self-imposed to do list for the day but feeling a little down or frustrated? Why not skip the to-do list and spend an hour with some self-care.



Go for a walk.

Sit outside in the sunshine.

Listen to the rain.

Dance to an upbeat song.

Have your favorite indulgent snack.

Take an extra long shower or bath.

Video chat with a friend or loved one.

Call the work day a few minutes early on Friday and celebrate a week well done with a cocktail, glass of wine (or water), or favorite tea! It is fall- have some hot cider!

Congratulate yourself on surviving another week in the shit show. You deserve to pat yourself on the back, regardless of how productive you have been. If you have been reading my blog regularly, you know that I have pointed out several pandemic studies that have cited how difficult it is to remain consistently productive while dealing with the known and unknown, conscious or unconscious stressors of living in a pandemic and civil unrest.

So, be kind to yourself and allow some spontaneity. It actually serves you well in a variety of ways. Not only will you hopefully feel a little bit better, more hopeful an optimistic about our chances of getting through this shit show, but it will also fill your reserve of patience, compassion, empathy, and creativity. You will be a better friend, partner, parent, problem solver and worker. So, go ahead. Eat the cake. Stir things up a bit. It's okay!

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