Chris Weinkauff Duranso, Ph.D.
Positive Psychologist
PhD in Positive Developmental Psychology (Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA)
University of Rhode Island
Department of Human Development & Family Sciences, and Psychology
Author, Public Speaker
The many benefits of a little sunshine
Meditating on good thoughts vs. Ruminating on others
Physical activity vs. exercise: They are both good and equally beneficial for stress!
Post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic growth: Experiencing them amidst the chaos?
Take time to STOP.
Savoring the simple things!
Self-care: Being good to yourself shouldn't be that hard!
Preparing for the 'what ifs' can help reduce your anxiety
Helping others, and letting others help us!
Our go to coping strategies might be bad for us!
The Pandemic Version of Where's Waldo: Where is the good news?
A little laughter goes a long way (so does laughter yoga- you read that right)!
Learned Helplessness or Learned Optimism: Which One Do YOU Choose?
Battling Pandemic Fatigue: Locus of Control (hint: Locus is different than locust, an ugly bug)
Fake it until you make it... in some contexts, it works! AKA smile until you are not so cranky....
How to get your daily does of hugs: Pandemic Pods, aka Quaranteams
Your Long Term "To Do" List: Hope for the future, Motivation for the present
Pandemic Resilience: Vent your emotions in a daily journal
Pandemic Resilience: A little more on news consumption
The Importance of Lists (from a person who doesn't like lists)!